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VOLUME 9, NO. 1 (2022)
Date published: 15 April 2022


Editorial: Epistemic cognition in history education

Martin Nitsche

Christian Mathis

D. Kevin O'Neill


Researching epistemic beliefs in history education: A review

Gerhard Stoel

Albert Logtenberg

Martin Nitsche


Epistemic Cognition and Measurement Issues


Thinking aloud about epistemology in history: How do students understand the Beliefs about History Questionnaire?

Marcel Mierwald

Maximilian Junius


Development and validation of a practical classroom assessment of students’ conceptions about differing historical accounts

D. Kevin O’Neill

Sheryl Guloy

Fiona M. MacKellar

Dale R. Martelli


Epistemic Cognition of School Students


“We can’t really know cos we weren’t really there”: Identifying Irish primary children’s bottleneck beliefs about history

Caitríona Ní Cassaithe

Fionnuala Waldron

Thérèse Dooley


What makes a testimony believable? Spanish students’ conceptions about historical interpretation and the aims of history in secondary education

Diego Miguel-Revilla


Epistemic Cognition of University Students


Narrative competence and epistemological beliefs of German Swiss prospective history teachers: a situated relationship

Martin Nitsche

Monika Waldis


Epistemic beliefs and written historical reasoning: Exploring their relationship

Kristin Sendur

Carla van Boxtel

Jannet van Drie


Epistemic Cognition of Historians
and History Teachers


Aims in the practice of historiography: An interview study with Finnish historians

Mikko Kainulainen

Marjaana Puurtinen

Clark A. Chinn


History teachers and historical knowledge in Quebec and Sweden: Epistemic beliefs in distinguishing the past from history and its teaching

Henrik Åström Elmersjö

Paul Zanazanian


The interplay between historical thinking and epistemological beliefs: A case study with history teachers in Flanders

Marjolein Wilke

Fien Depaepe

Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse





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ISSN 2203-7543 | DOI: 10.52289/ISSN22037543

© 2014-2022 HERMES History Education Research Network

School of Education, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia

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